
Steel structure building fire protection knowledge

Source: Zhejiang Jinneng New Material Co., Ltd.Release time: 2021-08-16

Steel is a non-combustible building material, it has the characteristics of earthquake resistance and bending resistance. In practical applications, steel can not only increase the load capacity of buildings, but also meet the needs of architectural design aesthetics, and avoid the defects of concrete and other building materials that cannot be bent or stretched. Therefore, steel is favored by the construction industry. The use of steel in single-story, multi-story, skyscrapers, factories, warehouses, waiting rooms, and departure halls is common. However, steel as a building material has some unavoidable defects in fire protection. Its mechanical properties, such as yield point, tensile strength and elastic modulus, will drop sharply due to the increase in temperature.

Steel structure usually loses load-bearing capacity at a temperature of 450 ~ 650C and undergoes great deformation, causing steel columns and steel beams to bend. As a result, they cannot continue to be used due to excessive deformation. Generally, the fire resistance of unprotected steel structures is About 15 minutes. The length of this time is also related to the speed at which the component absorbs heat.

At present, the number of steel structure buildings is increasing, especially in some high-rise buildings and factories, the use of steel structure materials is more extensive. Steel structure building-once a fire accident occurs, the fire cannot be extinguished in a short time. This requires us to increase the fire protection of building materials in the building design to enhance its fire resistance time and formulate emergency response in the building. Program to reduce casualties and property losses.

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